All Projects
Web Projects
Most of the web design and development work that I have done over the past few years has been to update, modify, and administrate existing websites. I had been concentrating on design work to improve the look of the websites that I was able to develop. I have now started to concentrate more on web design and development, and I am looking forward to replacing some of my older web projects with more current ones!
Web Projects Page
Photoshop Projects
I completed an Intermediate Photoshop class a year ago and continue to use Photoshop on an almost daily basis. The projects shown on my Photoshop work page are projects that I have worked on for tha that class. I have also created flyers, labels, and other graphics in Photoshop for a few different businesses. I am looking forward to doing more projects in Photoshop, and I think I will start with the banner for this website! I am looking forward to taking DM 13 at Cabrillo College which is the advanced Photoshop class.
Photoshop Page
InDesign Projects
My Indesign Projects page consists of two projects: A cookbook that I completed for a Digital Publishing class and an interactive PDF which I completed for a graphic design class, both at Cabrillo College. I have learned a lot about graphic design from those two classes. Other projects I have done using InDesign include migrating a booklet from Word to InDesign and my own resume.
InDesign Page
Web Administration
I am the web administator for a few different websites as well as my own. I am very comfortable with interacting with servers to update and administrate websites as well as querying server-side databases.Other than my own website, the websites that I manage are Joomla and WordPress content management system websites. The Joomla website is more complicated to work with than the WordPress websites. It is best to create a duplicate website for testing purposes to make sure that any changes made don't bring the website down! With content management system websites, we are not privy to seeing all the code which is proprietary. Inspecting code using browser tools is very helpful.
Web Administration Page